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Kantor Kami
Jl. Sultan Serdang..


The capital city of Indonesia is indeed the king of traffic jams. The terms ‘crowding solid’ and ‘old on the road’ are often heard when describing street conditions in Jakarta. After seeing the impact of the ineffective 3-in-1 rule, such as the emergence of street jockeys, a policy of restricting vehicles with odd-even license plates was born.

This policy was born not without reason. According to the Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation and Transportation Agency (Dishubtrans), Andri Yansyah, the proportion of vehicles whose license plates end in odd and even numbers is relatively balanced, namely 50.05% and 49.95%. For the record, zero (0) is considered even. Therefore, the odd-even regulation is expected to provide a solution to the daily traffic jams in Jakarta.

Then, what are the things that you must understand from the Odd Even rule


  1. Valid Monday – Friday, except national holidays.
  2. 07.00 – 10.00 WIB and 16.00 – 20.00 WIB.
  3. Odd date = plate ending in odd number.
  4. Even date = plate ending in even number.
  5. Monitoring areas: Horse Statue Roundabout, Bank Indonesia, Sarinah, Hotel Indonesia, Imam Bonjol, Senayan, CSW, Gatot Subroto, and Mampang.

Furthermore, there are special rules regarding vehicles that are granted exceptions when the Odd Even rule takes effect, namely vehicles belonging to the President of the Republic of Indonesia, the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Officials of State High Institutions (RI plate and bodyguards), official vehicles, fire engines, ambulances, public transportation (yellow plate), goods transportation, and motorcycles (except in areas where the ban has been imposed, namely Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat to Jalan Thamrin).

How to Find Odd-Even Roads Through Google Maps

Here’s how to find odd-even roads via Google Maps,

Open the Google Maps application, then enter the location you want to visit.

Make sure that the GPS is active. Next, click the “Directions” button to view the route to be taken. Select the type of car vehicle, then press the car icon below the information for the location you want to go.

Selecting the motorbike option will not bring up the odd-even option. After the route appears, select the option three vertical lines in the upper right corner of the application screen and select “Route Options”

Next, the “Drive Options” menu will appear which will ask whether the vehicle number plate is odd or even. Determination of odd and even numbers is determined by the last one digit. After determining whether your vehicle number plate is odd or even, click the “Done” button.

Furthermore, Google will display a route that can be passed by vehicles according to the number plate, whether they can go through the odd-even lane or have to go through another route. To start the journey, don’t forget to press the “Start” button and follow the route suggested by Google Maps

For information, odd-even is applied every Monday to Friday at 06.00 WIB to 10.00 WIB and 16.00 WIB to 21.00 WIB.

Avoid fines, guys… for those of you who rent a car at ICAN RENT CAR

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